RIMS Imphal orders shifting of its 44 Kuki-Zo staff to other institutes


Source: Waari Singbul Network

2/19/20241 min read

Imphal: The Centre-run Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, (RIMS) Imphal, taking measures for the safety and security of its staff in view of the ensuing ethnic violence spanning over nine months in the state, has ordered to attach the duties of its 44 “displaced” employees belonging to Kuki-Chin tribes to other institutes of the northeast for six months.

An order issued on February 16 by the deputy director of the premier health institute of the northeast, Sairem Sarat, the attachment of the staff will effect until further orders whichever is earlier.

The order said that in pursuance to a letter sent by the ministry of health and family welfare on February 9, 2024, the RIMS director approved to attach the duties of displaced employees temporarily at the three institutions- AIIMS, Guwahati, NEIGHRIMS, Shillong and RIPANS, Aizawl.

The staff include an associate professor, 24 nursing officers, 4 attendants, 3 drivers as many senior nursing officers, one upper division clerk, 2 assistant section officers, a library assistant, an assistant technician, 2 ward attendants, a plaster assistant and one plumber (central worktop).

It added that during the attachment period their salary shall be drawn from RIMS and that their cadre shall be maintained in the same.

“This arrangement is purely on temporary basis due to current unrest situation in the state of Manipur and they will have no right to claim for regular appointment in the institute where they are being attached temporally,” said the order.

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